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What is Word?

Word is a Word Processing programme. It is used to write letters, reports - even training manuals.

A common misconception with Word users is “Oh, Word is easy to use. You just open it and start typing. I don’t need training for that!”

Documents can be very small and simple, but Word also has the capability to create large and complex documents with cross-referencing and automatically updating fields. Users rapidly get beyond simple documents. Any document more than two or three pages requires Structure for ease of use, editing and navigation. And that requires training. You might be surprised at how much work goes on behind the scenes to create an “easy to use” document!

Manuals are available in 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016 versions.





What is in the course?

Word Level 1

Word Level 2

Word Level 3

Word Level 4

Exercise File Downloads